Generating Dynamic Google Ads Reports

Generating Dynamic Google Ads Reports

I recently requested a performance report on Google Ads from a colleague. He delivered an impressive Excel report that featured smart tables and visually appealing graphics. However, I question whether it’s worth investing so much effort into creating a static report that requires reconfiguration every time it’s accessed. I suggest we explore the option of creating a dynamic report that is online and accessible without the need for offline access.

What is Google Data Studio?

Are you familiar with Google Data Studio? If not, let me tell you about it. Data Studio is an exceptional online reporting system that enables you to prepare dynamic reports with ease. You can access it at

Once you log in, the dashboard screen will appear. To effortlessly add a new report, locate and click the + (plus) button in the lower right-hand corner, and link your Google Ads (AdWords) account with the report to maintain a seamless data flow.

As a digital marketing specialist, your manager may frequently request Ads performance reports. Fortunately, by creating these reports in data studio and sharing them with your manager, you can easily automate this task. Data studio is a dynamic tool that offers continuous updates. All you need to do is allow access to your manager’s email address to complete the event with ease and confidence.

What Should Be Simple in a Google Ads Performance Report?

The content of a detailed report will naturally differ based on company goals and campaign types. Nonetheless, it is crucial to always include several key metrics. Below, I have listed these metrics for your convenience. When constructing your report, keep these metrics in mind. Moreover, I have included some English abbreviations to aid in your familiarity with them. During meetings or conversations, you will likely come across acronyms such as CPA, CPM, and CPC as they are frequently used and preferred in English.

Account Performance Overview

On the first page of your report, you can show the status of the account with campaign summaries and graphics. Also graphically:

a- Impressions, Clicks & CTR
b- Conversions, CPA, Conversion Rate
c- Cost, CPC, CPM

Please display these three graphs. It would be helpful to have a selectable date in the top right corner. I have provided a sample report image below for reference.

Account Performance Overview
Account Performance Overview

Campaign Type and Device Performance / Network and Device

On the second page, provide a comprehensive summary of campaign type and device performance in terms of cost, clicks, and conversions. This information will enable viewers to gain a clear understanding of how each campaign type performs on different devices. For instance, by reviewing the table below, you can quickly ascertain that 88.1% of clicks were from mobile devices, and 82% of conversions came from mobile devices as well. However, desktop devices displayed positive performance. Additionally, detailed device breakdown reports can be provided. By analyzing the cost and conversion pie charts, one can also get a sense of the stability in spending.

Campaign Type And Device Performance / Network And Device
Campaign Type and Device Performance / Network and Device

Location, Day, Time Performance by Conversion / GEO and Time

An important report that can greatly benefit your business is a dynamic chart that displays the days and times with the highest and lowest conversions. As you can see in the table below, Monday has the most conversions and, at the same time, the lowest cost per conversion. This data strongly suggests reallocating the budget from the worst performing day to Monday. Additionally, the best performance occurs at 4 pm, indicating that utilizing a special “Accelerated Campaigns” publishing strategy between 4-4:59 pm would be highly effective.

Location, Day, Time Performance By Conversion / Geo And Time
Location, Day, Time Performance by Conversion / GEO and Time

Performance of Search Keywords / Search Keyword Performance

To optimize the campaign, adjust the numbers 4 and 5 according to its importance. For our team, search campaigns are vital, and we prioritize Search Network performance in these two statistics as it is the lifeblood of the account. When reviewing the report, begin by assessing the keywords and keyword matches on a campaign basis. By analyzing the performance of the keyword matches, you can determine the most effective match type for new keywords. To achieve optimal results, we recommend adding a plus sign to our keywords and writing them in this format (e.g. +black +pen) instead of just writing the keyword “black pen.

Performance Of Search Keywords / Search Keyword Performance
Performance of Search Keywords / Search Keyword Performance

Auction Information (Competitor Status) / Auction Insights

As previously stated, search is of utmost importance to me. Therefore, I am confident in my ability to monitor the top 5 competitors and determine my ranking in the search results, as well as my overall performance. The top 10 competitors have already provided valuable insights, which I have analyzed to estimate their monthly search budget using simple math. I have also estimated the number of conversions they receive on average. However, I am also taking into consideration their average position (Avg. Position) when doing so.

Moreover, I am able to estimate the number of users that have converted to our website and are also converting from our competitors. This valuable information can be used to provide competitive pricing quotes and apply discounts or other marketing strategies and offers to increase the likelihood of final sales. I am confident that with this approach, we can achieve our desired level of success.

Auction Information (Competitor Status) / Auction Insights
Auction Information (Competitor Status) / Auction Insights

NOTE: If you have a customer representative assigned to you at Google, simply request a dynamic Data Studio report from them. They have the expertise to create the report and grant you immediate access.

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