Our desire to take over with voice commands will change the future.

Our Desire To Take Over With Voice Commands Will Change The Future

Development of Voice Commands and What We Can Do

Soon, managing websites will be a breeze as we can effortlessly use voice commands. With the help of artificial intelligence systems such as Siri, Cortana, and Alexa on our phones and devices, we can explore any topic on a website with ease. This will enable us to browse websites comfortably and obtain the precise results we need.

In today’s website creation, visual design and textual content take priority. However, in the near future, voice conversations and artificial intelligence systems will become increasingly important. This shift is similar to working with cars and brain-powered systems, where managing data is key. As a result, we can expect a future where simple visual and voice commands will replace the need for tangible mobile phones.

When people in their 50s and 60s receive an iPhone, it can be difficult for them to use. Similarly, when the current generation Y reaches the ages of 50-60, it may take some time to get accustomed to wearable technologies. However, the next generation will grow up with an interesting technology: voice commands. Voice commands will be the foundation of everything, from starting our cars, to driving, to turning on the air conditioner or lights at home. We will be able to meet any need with voice commands. It’s as if people will become a bit lazy and gain weight.

After reviewing the Google Voice Search Queries graphic, I am confident in sharing an article with you that will further enhance your understanding of the topic.

Google Voice Search Queries Graph
Google Voice Search Queries Graph

The graph clearly illustrates a significant increase in the use of voice commands or calls since 2013. While these searches are currently simple, such as “Navigate Home,” “Call Mom,” “Call Dad,” or “Where is the nearest xxxx” (mainly near me), it is evident that over time, this technology will replace the need for traditional searches, making it a crucial part of our daily lives.

As trends evolve, it’s clear that Voice Search Optimization (VSO) is quickly replacing the commonly used term Search Engine Optimization (SEO) on websites. As the demand for VSO continues to grow, we can expect to see a rise in the need for VSO experts, just as we see with SEO experts today.

By improving your skills in voice searches and analytical reporting, you can confidently leverage market gaps and potentially earn a substantial amount of money.

In Which Situations Do People Need Voice Command?

The data presented in the graph below clearly indicates that the majority of individuals resort to voice commands when searching while driving. Additionally, voice commands are utilized when individuals have dirty or full hands, or when they need to conduct rapid searches. Given these circumstances, it would be prudent to evaluate whether your business can be located through voice search. For instance, individuals may wish to look up your business while cooking, carrying items, babysitting, or when their phone is inaccessible. By optimizing for voice search, you can potentially take advantage of these opportunities.

Restaurants, gas stations, and supermarkets can especially benefit from driving.

When Are Voice Commands Used The Most?
When are voice commands used the most?

If you are looking to implement VSO (Voice Search Optimization) for your website, mobile application, voice-enabled billboard technologies, or any other platform, do not hesitate to contact me. I am confident that I can provide the best VSO services to meet your needs.

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