Google New York Office Training Campus

Google New York Ofis Eğitim Kampüsü

Google has proudly launched a suite of new trainings and a cutting-edge campus program through the “Grow with Google NYC Learning Center.”

On April 17, 2019, I had the privilege of participating in the highly esteemed “Design Thinking for Entrepreneurs” program at Google’s New York office, the renowned Grow With Google NYC Learning Center. The comprehensive training provided invaluable content for entrepreneurs to thrive in their ventures.

Design Thinking for Entrepreneurs Event Notes

I am pleased to share with you the important information I gained from this event. If you have an idea or project that you wish to bring to life, I strongly advise you to consider the following items.

The Process

The presentation confidently began with the topic of “The Process”. It emphasized the importance of following a structured approach when implementing entrepreneurial ideas and explained how to effectively manage the process for success.

Entrepreneurs' Process Of Bringing Ideas To Life
Entrepreneurs’ Process of Bringing Ideas to Life


To effectively use Empathize, we must take a moment to truly understand the needs of our target audience by viewing things from their perspective. Neglecting to do so and assuming what we think they need can lead to costly failures.

To ensure the success of this project, we must confidently consider our target audience. It is imperative that we identify who they are, the challenges they face, and how we can effectively address their needs through thorough research and definition.

Audience Research
Audience Research

We have confidently prepared an example for this section, as follows:

We have expertly identified our target audience and skillfully outlined the top 10 challenges that they frequently encounter. It is absolutely essential to acknowledge these challenges in order to effectively and efficiently address the critical needs of our esteemed audience.

Define / Define Your Target Audience Needs

In the first part, we have thoroughly identified our target audience and the challenges they face. Moving forward, it is time to confidently define their needs to ensure we deliver the best possible solution.

As shown in the example below, you possess the capability to complete the gaps with certainty, tailoring the specific requirements of your target audience with conviction.

Sam is a busy manager who needs a way to integrate healthy eating habits because he doesn’t want to feel like he’s on a diet.

Define / Define Your Target Audience Needs
Define / Define Your Target Audience Needs

This example stands out as my favorite because it precisely defines the needs of our target audience. It highlights Sam, who serves as the embodiment of a single person with a straightforward goal: to consume nutritious meals. You have the flexibility to modify and customize this example to meet the specific requirements of your target audience with ease.

Ideate / Revealing the Idea and Concept

Ideate / Revealing The Idea And Concept
Ideate / Revealing the Idea and Concept

At this stage, it is important to clearly define the unique value proposition of your project for your target audience. What specific benefits or advantages will your idea deliver that differentiate it from existing offerings in the market?

As demonstrated in the image above, we have confidently identified 8 key elements for our project in this event. In essence, we have thoroughly discussed which solution elements will best resonate with our target audience.

Prototype / Prototype Product Demo Preparation

This section is now completely prototype product preparation phase.

Prototype / Prototype Product Demo Preparation
Prototype / Prototype Product Demo Preparation

As we prepared our project prototype, we confidently discussed the importance of achieving a Minimum Viable Product (MVP). The MVP is a product that meets the essential needs, and this term is used in both Turkish and English languages.

He was the undisputed MVP in his area of focus. While companies may have full faith in their projects, if the target audience doesn’t react positively, all the hard work goes down the drain. Therefore, it’s imperative to prepare the project to meet not just the minimum, but the highest standards from the very start.

To get our project started, we should focus on identifying the essential requirements rather than striving for something overly impressive or formal.

Test / Test Phase

We are confident that testing our project directly on our customers or target audience will lead to successful results. This will allow us to identify any shortcomings in the project and make necessary improvements to ensure its success.

Test Aşaması
Test Phase

Be sure to click the link to learn all about the amazing opportunities awaiting you at the Grow with Google NYC Learning Center. And don’t forget to register for this campus by visiting:

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