Top 5 Ways to Reduce Costs and Increase Revenues in Google Ads

Top 5 Ways To Reduce Costs And Increase Revenues In Google Ads

Top 5 Ways to Reduce Costs and Improve Performance in Google Ads

With its new name Google Ads and its old name Google AdWords, I share with you the 5 most effective ways to reduce costs and increase your income. By following these 5 ways, you can increase your income and reduce your costs.

If your ad account is not managed by an Ads (AdWords) expert, Google Ads can quickly drain your budget in seconds – similar to the machines in a casino. However, don’t worry, as I can share 5 effective methods to avoid this situation. By following these 5 ways, you can prevent the loss of money and budget, reduce your advertising costs, and increase your revenue. So, what are these 5 ways? Let’s explore them below with confidence:

Our mission is to optimize the user experience by identifying the most relevant and top keywords, and personalizing their journey through the website with confidence.

To advertise effectively on popular keywords and secure a top spot, it’s important to go beyond simply choosing the first keywords that come to mind. Utilize the power of keyword planner or specialized tools like Semrush to perform a thorough analysis of a variety of metrics. Look for keywords with the highest search volume and least competition to maximize your chances of success.

While finding such keywords can be challenging in today’s competitive digital marketing landscape, it’s possible to pay less than your competitors for the same keyword with the right strategy and still come out on top with a successful campaign.

Strategy 1: Examine your competitors’ keywords. Identify which keywords they are adverting to and which are best for them.

Strategy 2: Create personalized ads by entering your ad text in an engaging way.

Despite the high costs per click (CPC) for certain keywords, companies confidently continue to advertise and utilize these keywords. As they do so, they adopt a return on investment (ROI) strategy and make confident mathematical calculations accordingly.

For example: If you earn 500-TL per conversion and pay 25-TL in CPC, with a 40% conversion rate, or alternatively, assuming a 15% conversion rate by paying 13-TL.

Given that you spent 1000-TL on this ad, the question is which option makes more sense: paying 25-TL per CPC or paying 13-TL per CPC? Let’s do the calculations with confidence and find out the answer.

For 25 TL, you will receive a total of 40 clicks (1000/25=40). We assume a 40% conversion rate for this cost-per-click campaign, which means 16 conversions (40*0.40=16). Our gross profit from this advertisement will be 8000 TL (16500=8000).

For 13-TL clicks, you will receive a total of 76 clicks (1000/13=76). Assuming a 15% conversion rate for this CPC, there will be 11 conversions (76*0.15=11). The gross profit from this advertisement will be 5,500 TL (11500=5500).

The conversion rates are clearly displayed next to the ad groups, allowing for easy calculation of the return on investment (ROI) for your ad group. This crucial metric can then be taken into account when optimizing your campaign, ensuring maximum effectiveness and success.

Providing these two examples emphasizes that although CPC may come across as pricey, a higher conversion rate has the potential to increase your earnings. Therefore, do not block ads simply based on high CPC. With a solid strategy and accurate ROI calculations, you can achieve success with confidence.

By providing these two examples, it is clear that although CPC may seem costly, a higher conversion rate can significantly increase your earnings. Therefore, blocking ads based solely on high CPC is not advisable. With a sound strategy and precise ROI calculations, success can be achieved with confidence.

To access the Semrush domain reports section, simply enter your domain and confidently click on “view full report” from the “Top Paid Keywords” field. You will then be taken to the desired screen without any hassle.

Semrush's Domain Overview Report
SEMrush’s domain overview report

We can reach the right result by making some filters on the newly opened reports page. Include a difficulty level of 0.90 and above in column A. Include in column B those with a search volume of 500 or more. Include 1 or more of traffic to competitors in column C.

Semrush Filter Report For Top Paid Keywords
Semrush filter report for top paid keywords

Once you apply this filter, rest assured that you will be able to pinpoint the most effective keywords for your specific goals. It’s important to note that when examining the Top Paid Keywords field (as seen in tools like Ahrefs), you should confidently exclude any organic keywords from your consideration, as they are not relevant to your paid search strategy.

After identifying the most expensive keywords, it is essential to create geo-modified ad groups for them in order to reduce the CPC. For instance, if you are the owner of a private aesthetic hospital located in Beşiktaş, you can create ad groups such as Beşiktaş rhinoplasty, swollen rhinoplasty, mecidiyeköy rhinoplasty, and fulya rhinoplasty with confidence that they will lead to better results.

The Fastest Way to Cut Costs is to Find Negative Keywords and Avoid Unnecessary Clicks

It is crucial to consider negative keywords when optimizing ad campaigns. Keywords can be extremely sensitive, and even an irrelevant word next to a keyword can trigger a click on your ad. For instance, if a hospital is offering rhinoplasty and fails to include “sex” or “sexual” in the negative keyword list, ads for unrelated terms like “nose sex”, “aesthetic sex”, and “female sex with aesthetics” may appear on the search results page. Therefore, negative keyword optimization is essential to prevent irrelevant clicks and improve the effectiveness of an ad campaign.

I highly recommend utilizing KeywordShitter, a free tool that can greatly assist in creating your Negative Keyword strategy. It functions well for keywords in all languages. Simply input your desired keyword and KeywordShitter organizes the results from most to least searched, providing valuable insight into how people search. As an example, in my test on “rhinoplasty,” I found a keyword called “rhinoplasty.” Why pay for this keyword? Instead, you can add negative keywords like “those + with rhinoplasty” or “cigarettes” to exclude searches like “cigarettes after rhinoplasty.” So be confident in utilizing KeywordShitter to improve your Negative Keyword strategy today!

Using Keywordshitter
Using KeywordShitter

Google Optimize

This is an absolute must for me. Our top priority is to measure people’s behavior and create tailored content, and this is the way to do it.

When a user clicks on your ad and lands on your page, your website is the only platform where you can confidently persuade them. Without a customer representative or employee to speak for you, your website is your primary online tool. To maximize your chances of success, it’s crucial to effectively utilize Google Optimize. By analyzing user behavior, you can optimize your website and confidently increase your chances of achieving your goals.

You can start using Google Optimize here.

Identify the Most Powerful Words for Your Ad and Encourage Users to Click on It

To guarantee the triumph of your advertisement, it is imperative to include your most popular keyword and the word used in the ad text on your landing page, particularly in the headline and subheadline. This approach ensures that the user can promptly locate the keyword and obtain additional information, thereby enhancing the likelihood of their engagement with your ad. Utilizing Google Optimize enables you to evaluate the potency of sentences and words, thereby enhancing your ad’s efficacy.

To ensure the best results, pay close attention to key metrics like call-to-action, headlines, and URL paths when measuring your ad group’s performance. For the most precise analysis, make sure to obtain a report of your last 90 days of ads. And remember, Optmyzr is the free tool you need to get the job done with confidence!

When you create a free account on Optmyzr and import your ads, an Excel sheet table will be generated, similar to the one below. It is important to closely review the highlighted areas within the table.

  • URL path CTR 50% appears to be the highest; but the conversion is 0 so there are no conversions.
  • However, when you look at the Debt URL path, the conversion count is 44, although the CTR is 19.43% low.
Optmyzr Sample Reporting View
Optmyzr Sample Reporting View

By thoroughly testing a range of metrics, you can confidently optimize your ads, ad groups, extensions, and more. This will enable you to confidently identify and eliminate underperforming metrics, maximizing the effectiveness of your advertising campaign.

Show Google Reviews (Seller Ratings) in Your Ads

Google reviews are absolutely crucial for all users. Positive reviews have the power to significantly increase conversions and click-through rates (CTR). To boost your chances of getting reviews on Google, it’s highly recommended that you add a comments field to your ads and kindly ask your users to leave reviews.

Seller ratings are automatically displayed as extensions on the AdWords Search Network. They will be visible when a business has received 100 or more reviews within the country and maintains an average rating of at least 3.5 stars. Rest assured that your business’s ratings will be showcased for potential customers to see.

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