Meditate and Relax Your Soul

Meditate And Relax Your Soul

Why Should We Meditate?

You have already accomplished so much – graduating, saving money without giving in to spending temptations, and making your family happy. You have worked tirelessly during the weekdays and taken time to rest and recharge. But in the midst of all of this, have you ever taken a moment to truly listen to your own voice? Have you allowed yourself the freedom to nourish your soul?

No matter where we are or what we do, we are all in this together. The path we take will ultimately lead to the same destination.

I strongly recommend taking a moment to meditate. Set aside all work, stress, school, family, money, and everything else for just five minutes and prioritize your own well-being.

Over the past month, I have been consistently meditating for roughly 10 minutes after lunch almost every day, and the results have been remarkable. Meditation has had a profound impact on my ability to relax and alleviate stress. To be honest, prior to trying it, I was skeptical of its effectiveness and believed it was just a passing trend. But now, regular meditation has enabled me to feel more energized and attuned to my inner self, leading to greater inner peace and tranquility.

Getting Started with Meditation

Set yourself an area

Meditation can be practiced in any space of your choosing, whether it be your bedroom, kitchen, living room, or even at your desk. Make this area your own and feel free to incorporate any elements that will enhance your experience, such as lighting candles or playing music.

I typically meditate while listening to music. You can find the specific music I use during meditation below. I consistently use the same music every day and have found it to be very relaxing.

Sit comfortably

Feel free to sit in any position that makes you comfortable, as long as you maintain an upright posture. If sitting cross-legged is not comfortable for you, you can opt to sit on a chair or any other comfortable position. Remember, you are not obliged to sit on the floor.

Take a deep breath and get started

To master meditation, focus on your breath. Begin by sitting upright in a comfortable position with a smile and relaxed posture. As you inhale, raise your arms up and bring your hands together in the Namaste position above your head.

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To perform this exercise confidently, start by exhaling while bringing your hands from the top of your head to your chest, at the level of your heart. Slowly inhale and exhale, repeating this exercise three times.

Namaste Position
Namaste Position

Scan your body

Stand up straight, and confidently scan your body from the tips of your toes to your head. Feel every part of your body begin to relax completely as you take control of your relaxation.

Observe your thoughts

This is the ultimate benefit of meditation. Every experience in your life comes to life before your very eyes. You have the power to let yourself relax and observe your thoughts, becoming fully aware. Typically, we allow our minds to be consumed with the daily tasks that must be accomplished…

As you observe these thoughts passing through your mind, remember not to cling to them. View your thoughts from an external perspective and simply witness what is going through your mind.

I often try to relive my best moments by reflecting on them, as if I am time traveling. During those moments, I contemplate what I wanted to do but couldn’t.

Finish the meditation

When you are ready to conclude your meditation, effortlessly shift your focus to your heart and gradually return to your surroundings. Stand up slowly and become fully aware of your environment while maintaining the peaceful and centered state of mind achieved during meditation.

To begin meditation, start with 5 minutes every day. You can gradually increase this time as you see fit.

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