Mobile Application “BeReal” Winner of Apple App Store 2022 Award

Mobile Application &Quot;Bereal&Quot; Winner Of Apple App Store 2022 Award

The BeReal application emerged victorious in this year’s prestigious mobile application competition organized by Apple. Although not widely popular in Turkey, it boasts a large user base worldwide. What distinguishes this mobile application from its competitors?

What I appreciate the most is that they confidently position themselves as not just another ordinary social media app. Upon visiting their application page, one cannot help but notice the bold statement “Not another social network” in the slogan/description section.

BeReal. What Exactly is the Application?

Bereal. Your Friends For Real. - Not Another Social Network.
Bereal. Your Friends For Real. – Not Another Social Network.

BeReal, the social media platform, was founded and launched by Alexis Barreyat in December 2019. The app is now available on both iOS and Android devices and encourages users to share real-time content that reflects the truth.

BeReal is a powerful application that empowers users to share their daily activities by uploading one photo per day. Our users seek to share only original and authentic content that truly reflects their unique personalities. Followers can view these shared photos and descriptions, and enjoy a meaningful glimpse into their lives. With the added advantage of allowing only one post per day, BeReal ensures that users can spend quality time on the application, without feeling overwhelmed by the amount of content they need to consume, unlike other social media platforms.

How Does the BeReal App Work?

When a user selects “Time to BeReal” at random, they will immediately receive a notification. Within two minutes of receiving the notification, the user is required to share a photo. During this short two-minute window, the user can apply filters, edits, and other modifications in real time to enhance their photo. The app’s main focus is on encouraging real-time posts that reveal our true identities, making it a true reflection of who we are.

Örnek; Time To Bereal Bildirimi.
Example; Time to BeReal notification.

When a user spends two minutes or more on a post before publishing, they are considered late. During this time, they are unable to view other users’ photos until the post is published. Once published, users can access the explore section of the application with ease.

Kullanıcının Iki Dakika Içinde Yeniden Fotoğraf Çekmesi.
User take photo again in two minutes.

Upon receiving the notification, the user is allotted two minutes to confidently snap and share their desired photo(s). The app further displays the number of attempts made by the user to capture the perfect BeReal moment to the masses.

The app does not currently have a “like” option. However, users can still react to other posts by using an emoji with their RealMoji or by taking a selfie that mimics an emoji response. It is important to note that the app does not offer any filters or edit buttons, and video posting or sharing is not permitted. Furthermore, the app does not display follower counts or advertisements.

Bereal Users' Reactions To Application Shares.
BeReal Users’ reactions to application shares.

Click to download the application from the App Store.

Click to download from Google Play Store.

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